Sustainable Development Strategy
Sustainable Development is an integral part of the MYTILINEOS long-term business strategy. It is the driving force through which the Company aspires to remain competitive in the long term, to meet contemporary challenges and, by developing appropriate partnerships, to contribute to a new and efficient model of socially inclusive growth, as this is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Company's Sustainable Development Strategy is aimed at creating long-term and sustainable value for shareholders and other Stakeholder groups, through a holistic approach that combines economic stability with social and environmental sustainability. It is implemented on three basic levels that are inseparable from one another, and is governed by specific Principles that ensure completeness (Materiality Principle), quality (Stakeholder Inclusiveness Principle) and transparency (Accountability Principle) across all its activities.
We create long-term and sustainable value for all our Stakeholders, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and the respective national priorities.

More specifically:
The first level expresses the Company's commitment to tackling climate change and its contribution to a low-emissions economy. MYTILINEOS is fully aware that climate change is one of the most urgent issues facing the planet. Moreover, the Company, considering the high CO2 emission intensity in its production processes, has highlighted the adaptation of its activities to the consequences of climate change and the implementation of initiatives to address it, as key elements for its sustainable operation. In this respect, it has designed a local strategy to address climate change, which serves to guide its initiatives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as defined by the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (COP21) and the corresponding National Plan of Greece, which sets out its contribution to the European Green Deal (EU Green Deal).
Strategic priorities
- To further adapt its activity to the consequences of climate change by analyzing the risks involved, while also taking advantage of the opportunities arising.
- To implement, control and review the initiatives and the corresponding CO2 emission reduction and net zero targets for 2030 and 2050.
- To integrate climate targets into the Company’s strategic planning and decision-making processes.
- To implement an investment plan in >2.5 GW of RES assets by 2030.
- To develop strategic partnerships for the application of new technologies to production activities, with the aim of reducing the CO2 emission intensity.
- To further develop the activities of its new Business Units in Renewables & Storage development projects.
The second level focuses on MYTILINEOS’ systematic approach to the recording, optimal management and disclosure of information about the ESG risks and opportunities that may affect its performance, as well as its efforts to implement its strategy. Through the ESG approach, MYTILINEOS strengthens its ability to create long-term value and manage significant changes in the environment in which it operates. In this way, it responds to the current sustainability requirements of investors, capital markets and financial institutions, as well as to society's expectations of commitment and transparency regarding these issues, which keep increasing.
Strategic priorities
- To determine Material ESG topics and link them to the Company's financial performance.
- To optimally manage of ESG risks and opportunities to create long-term value.
- To enhance the trust and facilitate the flow of information between the Company and the investor community.
- To responsibly disclose Non-Financial Information in accordance with the international standards.
- To constantly improve / maintain ESG performance levels.
- To integrate ESG criteria into the Company's investment decisions and into main operating procedures.
The third level focuses on the responsible operation of MYTILINEOS, which has been systematically cultivated, since 2008, through the implementation of Responsible Entrepreneurship and the Company's commitment to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact. For MYTILINEOS, Responsible Entrepreneurship is an ongoing self-improvement and incessant learning process, while it also serves as a key mechanism for renewing its "social license to operate", while at the same time it helps improve its competitiveness at national and international level.
Strategic priorities
- To remain committed to its target of ensuring a healthy and safe work environment without accidents, adopting a prevention-oriented approach.
- To constantly mitigate the environmental impacts of its activity.
- To develop, manage and retain a dedicated human capital, with practices that promote an inclusive working environment, with equal opportunities and respect for Human Rights.
- To continue to treat its people with responsibility and consistency, remaining their first choice of employer during their entire career paths, while at the same time investing in their training and in the development of their skills.
- To implement actions of high social value, including through the development of employee volunteering.
- To engage in a systematic and honest dialogue with its key Stakeholder groups, seeking to maintain mutual trust and as well as a fuller understanding by the Company of the impacts of its operation.
- To contribute to the development of local infrastructure and, overall, to the prosperity and the respect of the rights of the citizens of the local communities adjacent to the Company's industrial units.
- To develop responsible procurement / purchases by expanding the commitment of the Company's key suppliers and business partners to sustainable development.
- To place emphasis on the quality and safety standards of the Company's products as well as on the continuous support, service and satisfaction of customers.
MYTILINEOS’ contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)
The adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by all UN member states in 2015 is a milestone for the international community. These are universal goals, to the achievement of which not only all developed and developing countries, but also businesses, the academic community, NGOs and citizens' organizations, are invited to contribute, by joining forces. For Greece, the SDGs represent a major opportunity for its recovery and transition to a new growth model, with an emphasis on all three main pillars, the environment, society and the economy, as they focus on "leaving no one behind" and on eliminating inequalities of all kinds.
Since 2016, MYTILINEOS, applying the UN "SDG Compass Tool", has specified their relevance to its business activity and has identified ways to contribute to their achievement, acknowledging its share of the responsibility to do so. Since then, it has consistently contributed to the achievement of 40 specific SDG Targets (sub-targets), based on the overall approach outlined below:
MYTILINEOS believes that the recovery of the economy and of employment, especially in the post
As a leading international industrial and energy company, MYTILINEOS invests in the circular economy, in the development of innovative waste recovery methods and in the application of "clean" industrial methods, through its participation in 24 europan research projects.
At the same time, it steadily enhances employability in the domestic industrial sector and creates the conditions for a responsible supply chain, in all areas of its business activity. In this way, it acknowledges its share of the relevant responsibility and is actively contributing to SDG 9 (Industry Innovation & Infrastructure) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
In terms of its contribution to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), MYTILINEOS promotes and ensures safe and healthy work conditions for its human resources, adopting a prevention oriented approach.
Almost all of its production units have in place ISO 45001:2018 certified Occupational Health & Safety management systems, while at the same time since the
The Company, in parallel to its financial growth, continues the integration of policies and practices to enhance full and productive employment, through the creation of decent jobs for all.
MYTILINEOS, as it develops, strengthens the culture in its work environment with policies and practices that enhance equal opportunities, the respect for Human Rights, and the promotion of gender equality. In this way, the Company enhances the participation of women at all levels of the Company’s hierarchy, the inclusion of young workers, <30 years, in its workforce as well as its effort to integrate people with disabilities into the labor market, contributing directly to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
As part of the Company's commitment to further reduce its environmental footprint, Best Available Techniques for the proper management and reduction of environmental impacts are implemented at each Business Unit.
Investments are being made in order to upgrade the production process utilizing new technologies, while almost all Company production units have in place ISO 14001:2015 certified integrated environmental management systems as well as individual environmental rehabilitation plans for exploitable land areas, where necessary, thus contributing directly to SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 14 (Life below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).
MYTILINEOS indirectly contributes to the other SDGs, by consistently implementing its social policy through actions and initiatives that enhance its harmonious coexistence with its local communities as well as with society at large.
Targeting 250,000 beneficiaries of our social policy for the five-year period 2020-2025, we continue to invest in the development of the local employment and economy through the creation of jobs (SDG 1) and the strengthening of local suppliers and local infrastructure (SDG 11), in the reduction of food insecurity for vulnerable social groups (SDG 2), and in the implementation of training programs in new technologies at schools, together with programs for the development of the professional skills of the young generation (SDG 4).
Detailed presentation of MYTILINEOS’ contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the respective national priorities (for the period 2016-2021)
Sustainable Development Goals & Targets directly or indirectly related to the activity of MYTILINEOS | The contribution of MYTILINEOS (Cumulative data 2016-2021) | |
![]() | (1.2) We contribute to the reduction of the percentage of men, women and children living in poverty in all its forms. (1.5) We contribute to the reduction of the exposure and vulnerability of the poor and of those in vulnerable situations, to economic and social problems. |
![]() | (2.2) We contribute to ensuring access to sufficient and nutritious food throughout the year, for children in vulnerable situations. (2.2) We contribute to the reduction of all forms of malnutrition, and we address the nutritional needs of children and adolescents. |
![]() | (3.2) We contribute to the reduction of the number of deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age. (3.6) We contribute to the reduction of the number of deaths from injuries caused by road traffic accidents. (3.7) We help avoid deaths and illnesses caused by hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination. |
![]() | (4.1) We contribute to ensuring that all boys and girls complete equitable and quality primary education. (4.3) We contribute to ensuring equal access for all to quality technical and vocational training as well as access to tertiary educa-tion. (4.4) We contribute to the increase of the number of young people who have the ap-propriate vocational and technical skills, providing them with access to employment and decent jobs. (4.b) We contribute to the increase of the number of scholarships, thus encouraging school students to enroll in higher education and to participate in vocational training programs in various fields. |
![]() | (5.1) We support the efforts to end of all forms of discrimination against women everywhere. | We are opposed to all forms of discrimination against women and we demonstrate this with our performance as expressed by specific indicators:
![]() | (6.1) We contribute to the efforts to achieve universal and equitable access to safe drinking water for all. (6.2) We contribute to the efforts to achieve adequate and equitable access to sanitary facilities for all. (6.3) We contribute to the protection of water resources as well as to a substantial increase in water recycling and reuse. (6.4) We contribute to the efficient use of water and to ensuring sustainable water abstraction. |
![]() | (7.1) We contribute to ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. (7.2) We contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix. (7.3) We aim to improve energy efficiency. (7.a) We enhance access to "clean" energy research and technology, by promoting renewable forms of energy and investments in energy infrastructure and cleaner energy technology. |
![]() | (8.1) We contribute to the economic development of the country. (8.4) We decouple our economic growth from environmental degradation and we promote sustainable production and consumption. (8.5) We contribute to full and productive employment and decent jobs for all women and men and for young people. (8.7) We contribute to the elimination of forced and child labor. (8.8) We protect labor rights and we promote safe working conditions for all employees without discrimination. |
![]() | (9.2) We contribute to sustainable industrialization and to increasing employability rates in the industrial sector. (9.4) We contribute to the upgrading of the industry by adopting more "clean" and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes. (9.5) We help enhance scientific research for upgrading the technological capabilities of the industrial sector. |
![]() | (10.2) We contribute to empowerment and to the promotion of universal social, economic and political integration, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, nationality, origin, religion or economic or other status. |
![]() | (11.1) We contribute to strengthening local infrastructure. (11.4) We contribute to the effort to protect and safeguard the cultural and natural heritage. (11.5) We contribute to the reduction of the number of people affected by natural disasters. |
![]() | (12.4) We contribute to the sound management of all waste in accordance with internationally agreed frameworks. (12.5) We contribute to the reduction of waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. |
![]() | (13.1) We strengthen the adaptive capacity of our activity to natural disasters and climate-related hazards. (13.3) We contribute to the improvement of education and awareness-raising on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning in the event of natural disasters. |
![]() | (14.1) We contribute to the prevention of all forms of marine pollution, especially from industrial activities. |
![]() | (15.1) We contribute to the protection of natural habitats and the prevention of loss in biodiversity. |
![]() | (16.2) We contribute to the fight against all forms of corruption and bribery. (16.5) We contribute to the efforts to end child abuse and exploitation. |
![]() | (17.17) We focus on corporate partnerships and on effective public-private sector partnerships, as well as on partnerships with the civil society. |