Relationships and cooperation with its Stakeholder groups are structural elements of MYTILINEOS’ Sustainable Development Strategy. They contribute to the further understanding of the impact of its activities as well as to the Company's effort to respond consistently to the expectations of its Stakeholders, building mutual relationships of trust with them.
These different Stakeholder groups are identified, ranked and characterized as "key groups" for the Company, on the basis of specific criteria, such as: (a) the position they hold within its sphere of influence, (b) the degree of significance and relevance that they attribute to or have for its activities, and (c) the way in which they affect its ability to fulfil its vision and mission.
BU Sustainable Engineering Solutions / BU Renewables & Storage Development
Category A:
Stakeholder groups that affect, and are significantly affected by, the operation of the Company’s Business Units.
Local community / Local municipalities
Local community / Local municipalities
Regulatory bodies
Category B:
Stakeholder groups that affect the operation of the Company's Business Units, but are less affected by them.
Regulatory bodies
Press representatives
Academic community
Press representatives
Business Organizations
Sustainable Development Organizations
Local community / Local municipalities
Business Organizations
Sustainable Development Organizations
Regulatory bodies
Category C:
Stakeholder groups that affect, and are affected by, the Company's Business Units in a limited way only.
Business Organizations
Sustainable Development Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations
Academic community
Press representatives
Non-Governmental Organizations
Academic community
In defining the Stakeholder groups, 5 main criteria were used (dependence, responsibility, intensity, influence and perspective) according to the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement — 2015 international standard, leading to the classification of Social Partners in the above three main categories.
The group of Shareholders/Investors is not included in the above table since its management, as a key group, is carried out centrally by MYTILINEOS' Finance General Division.
MYTILINEOS promotes regular communication with its Stakeholder groups in a variety of ways, the frequency of which stems from the type of relationship built with each group. In doing so, the Company aims to understand the needs and expectations of the persons, organizations and businesses with which it interacts and to respond promptly to matters of concern to them, while at the same time maintaining and strengthening its "social license to operate".
Ways of communication & cooperation between MYTILINEOS and its Stakeholder groups
Key Stakeholder groups [GRI 102-40]
Long-standing ways of engagement & collaboration [GRI 102-43]
Issues raised [GRI 102-44]
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Established annual employee performance and skills evaluation process.
Open daily communication via the HR-Business Partner role.
Continuing education and training.
Policies disclosure, whenever required.
Regular and extraordinary meetings between management and employees (annual institution of hierarchy Consultations, annual meetings between the Management and employees in groups of 25 people).
Annual Sustainable Development Report.
Announcements via the online Intranet platform.
HR Call Center for employees.
Uniform corporate culture.
Strengthening corporate innovation.
Personnel evaluation system and incentives.
Employee education and training.
Work quality and employee development.
Occupational Health & Safety.
Information about the Company's good practices.
Adaptation to Climate Change.
Investments in RES projects.
Protection from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mental health and well-being of employees.
Initiatives to promote electro-mobility.
Talent retention and development.
Investing community (Shareholders — Investors — Financial analysts)
Extraordinary and regular shareholder meetings on an annual basis.
Annual presentations of financial results (Press releases, videoconferences, internet).
Corporate Governance Roadshow: Shareholder engagement with investor stewardship teams and authorized consultants.
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Information on relevant business developments (Press releases, internet).
Annual meetings with financial analysts.
Daily communication through MYTILINEOS’ Investor Relations Division.
Annual Financial Report and Sustainable Development Report.
The Company's performance in international ESG indicators.
Implementation of the UK Corporate Governance Code.
Climate Change: Prospect of adaptation to TCFD recommendations, calculation and disclosure of Scope 3 emissions.
Adoption of the SASB methodology.
Diversity of the Board of Directors.
Evaluation of the Board of Directors’ effectiveness.
Upgrading of the role of Lead Independent Director.
Board Members’ succession project.
Linking remuneration of Board members to ESG indicators.
Suppliers & Business Partners
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Regular communication (even daily) through the Purchasing Departments of the Company’s Business Units.
Promotion of MYTILINEOS’ "Suppliers / Business Partners Code of Conduct".
Social and environmental impact assessment every 2-3 years.
Annual training program for key suppliers (Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Development).
Added value of long-term partnerships.
Strengthening local employment.
Support of Greek suppliers.
Cooperation for integrating the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact in the business activity.
Promotion and information about products and services (continuous communication of the responsible departments).
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Daily communication through via the Company’s Commercial Divisions.
Cooperation in the context of the annual customer satisfaction surveys.
Product quality.
Processing of orders placed.
Prevention and support measures for dealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
MYTILINEOS’ performance in the EcoVadis leading supplier rating agency, on areas of responsible entrepreneurship.
Local Government (local communities)
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Regular and extraordinary communication ("open door" policy, meetings, participation in local events or consultations, whenever deemed necessary).
Annual communication as part of the implementation of MYTILINEOS’ social policy.
Annual Sustainable Development Report.
Third-Party Requests & Complaints Management Procedure regarding ESG & CSR issues at the Aluminium of Greece.
Support of local infrastructure and local cultural and sports activities.
Strengthening local employment.
The Company’s environmental and social footprint.
Business Organizations
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Regular and ad hoc communication (provision of data and information, meetings, participation in consultations).
Participation in events, whenever deemed necessary.
Social footprint of MYTILINEOS in its local communities.
Fair treatment of employees.
Regulatory bodies & Sustainable Development Organizations
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Regular and ad hoc communication (provision of data and information, meetings, participation in consultations).
Participation in events held by Regulatory Bodies / Sustainable Development Organizations on an annual basis.
Inclusion of ESG criteria in the financing of Company investments.
Training of executives in dealing with Corruption and Bribery.
Renewable energy sources by 2025.
Incorporation of the TCFD recommendations.
Greater development of Diversity & Inclusion issues.
Increase in the number of women on the Company's Board of Directors.
Academic community
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Forms of cooperation on an annual basis in the framework of the implementation of research programs and of the Company’s social policy.
Participation in career events & career days in universities.
Development of partnerships (e.g., scholarships, traineeships).
Support of schools with materials and equipment.
Press representatives
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Direct daily communication through the Communication & Marketing General Division of MYTILINEOS on issues related to the Company’s activity areas.
Information on relevant business developments (Press releases, internet).
Organization of briefing meetings with Greek and foreign journalists whenever deemed necessary.
Organization of meetings with financial analysts.
The Company’s progress in light of the pandemic: (a) security of energy generation, (b) financial stability, (c); contribution to the national effort, (d) maintaining Company results at pre-pandemic levels.
Upgrading of the EPC & Infrastructure Projects Sector to Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business Unit — highlighting the need to shift focus on sustainable development projects.
Promotion of the Renewables & Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit through new projects and through the BOT platform.
Upgrading the Metallurgy Business Unit through the promotion of news related to commodities.
Company's contribution to the proper functioning of the energy market.
Presentation of new products and services made available by the Company to third parties (Protergia retail).
Promotion of corporate governance issues.
Update on ESG issues and the Company's targets in connection with its commitment to reduce air emissions by 30% by 2030 and to zero emissions by 2050.
Company's social profile — Promotion of the Company to media and audiences abroad.
Volunteer Organizations
Annual Stakeholder Consultation processThe participation of the particular Stakeholder group in this form of cooperation depends on the subject of the Consultation..
Materiality processParticipation in the relevant Stakeholder survey carried out every two years..
Electronic platform for submitting social requests, available throughout the year.
Meetings with NGO representatives, whenever deemed necessary, based on the result of their requests’ evaluation.
Annual Sustainable Development Report.
Development of innovative synergies to support actions around the strategic action lines of MYTILINEOS’ social policy.
Highlighting the positive impact on society.
MYTILINEOS’ commitment to respect & protect human rights.
Promotion of the Company in social media via each organization.
Strengthening MYTILINEOS’ Corporate Volunteering.
Right to education and lifelong training.
Company’s contribution to the escalating changes in the climate.
A special survey of MYTILINEOS’ Stakeholders, conducted in 2021, found that the percentage of the respondents with a positive view of the improvement in the Company’s performance in the framework of Sustainable Development, had increased compared to the corresponding measurement in 2019 (2021: 88%, 2019: 84%).
Percentage of positive view of the MYTILINEOS Social Partner groups on improving its performance
The institution of the Stakeholders Consultation process [GRI 102-43]
The Stakeholder Consultation (or Dialogue) is the application in practice of MYTILINEOS’ long-standing commitment to responsible entrepreneurship and to open social dialogue. Through this practice, the Company improves the degree of understanding of the impact of its activities and meets its Stakeholder’s expectations, ensuring its sustainability and the creation of added value in the wider society.
As an institution established by MYTILINEOS, the Consultation is governed by specific principles and has specific goals (website) and is carried out annually with absolute consistency primarily at local level, addressing current sustainability issues. The effectiveness and transparency of the Consultation is ensured through the Sustainable Development Governance system that the Company has established, under which the individual Sustainability/ESG Leaders and owners of MYTILINEOS’ Business Units record and evaluate all proposals, ideas and concerns expressed by the Stakeholders. Once this has been done, the most important issues are forwarded to the respective General Divisions for decision-making regarding the responses to them and, where feasible, their integration into the corporate strategy. [GRI 102-21]
Since 2015, the institution of Consultation has been taking place primarily in the form of thematic dialogue forums held locally and of electronic consultations.
MYTILINEOS Thematic Consultations Table ASI
Thematic Consultation
Subject coverage
"Covid-19: Measures and actions for the effective management of the pandemic — Health protection and business continuity"
Metallurgy Business Unit
"Corporate Policy on the respect for and protection of Human Rights"
Sustainable Development Division (Central Function)
"Education — Skills Development and Creation of quality jobs"
Metallurgy Business Unit
"Developing a Responsible Supply Chain"
Metallurgy Business Unit
"Translating Entrepreneurship into Value for Society"
Metallurgy Business Unit
"We Talk about the Environment"
Metallurgy Business Unit
"Health & Safety at the Workplace"
Metallurgy Business Unit
Thematic Consultation 2021
The Metallurgy Business Unit of MYTILINEOS, taking into account the new conditions that have been created in the context of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, chose to hold the Company’s 7th annual thematic Consultation online, entitled: "Covid-19: Measures and actions for the effective management of the pandemic — Health protection and business continuity".
The Consultation had a two-fold purpose:
Presentation of all the measures and actions implemented by the Aluminium plant for the effective management of the pandemic, during 2020-2021.
Announcement and presentation of the new procedure for handling requests and complaints, which was recently approved in the Metallurgy Business Unit in order to improve communication with the local groups of the Company’s Stakeholders, and to manage effectively all requests, comments and complaints regarding ESG and Responsible Entrepreneurship issues received by the Company.
Thematic Consultation 2021 "Covid-19: Measures and actions for the effective management of the pandemic — Health protection and business continuity"
37 Participants
Local Government, Church, Police, Media, Suppliers / Business Partners, Trade and other Unions, Associations, Other committees, NGOs
2 Topics to be developed
Management of the pandemic by the Metallurgy Business Unit
New procedure for managing requests and complaints from AoG’s Stakeholders
Implementation of Consultation using technology (via Microsoft Teams) & participation in 2 questionnaires with responses given anonymously on a 5-level scale using a custom electronic platform (
Questionnaire A: Consultation 2021 (8 questions on the evaluation of the Consultation).
Questionnaire B: Communication of the participating organizations with the Metallurgy Business Unit (6 questions on how and why the participants communicate with the Metallurgy Business Unit as well as on the degree to which they were satisfied with the way they were treated)
37 Comments / Proposals / Concerns presented
77% of the participants acknowledged and characterized the topics discussed as useful.
The main objective of the Consultation was achieved, according to 76% of the participants. At the same time, more than 70% of the participants said they were quite satisfied with the way the pandemic was managed, as well as with the management of their requests/complaints by the Metallurgy Business Unit. No specific reports of issues requiring further improvement were noted.
The participants placed particular emphasis on the development of the Company's plan and the incentives for employees so as to increase vaccinations in MYTILINEOS units, on the continuation of checks by means of rapid tests, as well as on the management of the 4th wave of the pandemic and the actions for the transition to the next day.
Consultation with Non Governmental Organizations 2021
In the context of the implementation of its policy regarding consultation and cooperation with its Stakeholder groups, MYTILINEOS held, for the second consecutive year, an additional constructive dialogue with NGOs.
During this consultation, the Company, faithful to its long-standing approach, focused on the following objectives:
To further develop successful partnerships already in place with partner organizations.
To identify and report any problems and to develop new opportunities for joint action within the existing partnerships.
To meet new organizations and plan new programs.
During this consultation, in which 18 NGOs took part, the following issues were raised and discussed:
Evaluation of existing partnerships, continuation of current programs / launching new ones, and dealing with any problems.
The Company informed the organizations about the goals of its social policy for 2021 and their connection with the Sustainable Development Goals. For their part, the organizations informed the Company about programs of the NGOs that could serve these goals.
Exchange of views about how best to capture the quantitative and qualitative results of programs and actions.
The applicability of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to highlight the social impact of social programs, where feasible.
Exchange of views about the feasibility of initiating Corporate Volunteering activities, in order to involve employees in the actions of the NGOs.
The results of this Consultation confirmed that the mutually beneficial relationships of trust between the Company and the NGOs, including the availability from both sides for the purposes of communication and the prompt response to any arising issue, are maintained. Moreover, the NGOs were informed about current developments in Sustainable Development and about the development of new innovative collaborations to support actions along the key priority lines of the Company's social policy, towards further enhancing its positive impact on society. In addition, there was an improvement in the visibility of MYTILINEOS’ contribution on social media (on the part of the NGOs) compared to the results of last year's consultation.