Pollution prevention

Materiality assessment process resultsScale:
[0–10], where 0 "Not significant" and "Very significant"
Boundaries of the Material Topic [GRI 102-46] [GRI 103-1b] |
Where the impacts occur: The impacts occur in the areas of operation of MYTILINEOS’ industrial plants, Business Units, subsidiaries and main suppliers. |
By whom are the impacts caused: Directly involved in these impacts are the Metallurgy and Power & Gas Business Units of MYTILINEOS and its subsidiaries DELPHI-DISTOMON and KORINTHOS Power, while key suppliers of the Company may be indirectly involved. |
The management of the topic by MYTILINEOS contributes to Sustainable Development:
Topic of increased significance to: |
in the context of their cooperation with MYTILINEOS. |
Management Approach
[GRI 102-11] [GRI 103-2c]
The purpose of this disclosure is to provide information and data to MYTILINEOS’ Stakeholder groups, so that they can understand how the Company is managing the risks of pollution and spills directly associated with its safe and socially environmentally and responsible operation. [GRI 103-2b]
Key Challenges / Impacts
[GRI 103-1a] [GRI 102-15]
The key challenge for the Company is to effectively prevent any form of pollution of the natural environment from its production activity (air emissions, solid and liquid waste, use of chemicals) and from any major industrial accidents.
Major risks
[GRI 102-15]
- The possible deterioration of the air quality, of surface and ground waters and of the marine environment, as well as pollution of the soil from industrial accidents are permanent potential risks.
- Key production and transport activities of the Company involve the risk of spills, following unforeseen malfunctions or accidents, into the marine environment, since they are adjacent to it.
- Failure to prevent and manage the above risks could have a significant impact on the Company’s economic and industrial capital, limiting its ability to create value either by increasing the financial costs for dealing with these incidents, or through possible administrative sanctions that may be imposed or the Company’s potential inability to continue to smoothly conduct its activities.
[GRI 103-2c]
Prevention of all identified risks of pollution from the Company’s activities, in accordance with the main priority areas of MYTILINEOS’
Risk Management / Control Practices
[GRI 103-2a]
Pollution risk management is directly linked to the safe, socially and environmentally responsible operation of all the Company facilities. The Company’s annual target is to avoid any incidents and industrial accidents that could cause pollution to the natural environment, across all its business activities.
To address this risk, preventive and suppressive response measures are implemented in all MYTILINEOS Business Units. In particular:
In the Metallurgy Business Unit, a dedicated Major Accident Prevention Policy is in place for preventing and responding to large-scale industrial accidents. The policy addresses risks associated with the use of hazardous substances in the Business Unit’s activities and, through a set of concrete measures, ensures their prevention and the avoidance of any incident involving a deterioration of the environment. ASI
The main pollution risk prevention measures implemented in the Business Unit consist in the following:
- Strict compliance with the approved Environmental Terms of the activity of Metallurgy.
- Continuous measurement and monitoring of air emissions and suspended particulates.
- Measurement and monitoring of water discharges from point sources.
- Compliance with the measures provided for in the Safety Study (SEVESO III — implementation of Joint Ministerial Decision 172058/2016).
- Conduct of industrial accident response exercises provided for in the Safety Study (SEVESO III — implementation of JMD 172058/2016), which in some cases are carried out in cooperation with external bodies (Fire Service, Civil Protection, etc.)
- Final disposal of non-hazardous waste in insulated areas with the construction of a geological barrier of low water permeability, as well as the corresponding disposal of hazardous waste in specially constructed and geomembrane- and geotextile-insulated cells (controlled landfill sites).
- Implementation of Best Available Techniques in the management of infrastructure and industrial waste (electric filters, bag filters, primary industrial waste treatment, biological wastewater treatment, oil basins and safety oil traps, sewer oil traps, tank level meters, waste quality meters, custom-designed waste disposal sites, etc.).
- Performing chemical analyses of wastewater at workshops and facilities, as well as specific analyses of wastewater discharged for various chemical parameters (e.g., Al, Cr, Cr+6, Fe, BOD5, COD, etc.).
- Good knowledge of and training in Emergency Response Plans (EPs).
- Storage and use of chemicals by following the instructions of the Safety Data Sheets.
- Systematic visual inspections of facilities.
- Unloading of heavy fuel oil from tankers using as a precaution a floating anti-pollution dam.
- Constant monitoring of the quality of the natural recipients (aquifer, sea) and comparison against standard quality values. An example is the discharge of the seawater used in the cooling systems of the cogeneration (Combined Heat and Power — CHP) plant of the Metallurgy Business Unit, where in addition to the strict compliance with the relevant law provisions determining the framework for preventing any environmental impact, the Company commissions, on an annual basis, an authoritative organization (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research — HCMR) to conduct a research study for monitoring the status of living organisms on the Antikyra Gulf seabed. The studies carried out by the Company in accordance with the applicable Environmental Terms and their results are communicated every year, in accordance with the applicable provisions, to the competent authorities (the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, and the Water Management Directorates of the Decentralized Regional Administrations for Thessaly and Sterea). The findings of the recent studies, carried out in 2019 and 2020, show a stable ecological status, with improvement trends recorded at several observation stations. These studies will be continued for at least five more years.
- Operation of a fire protection department, which is equipped with 3 fire engines, staffed by a permanent fire-fighting team, and coordinates and trains a team of volunteer firefighters
Moreover, in what concerns small-scale, localized incidents involving spills of lubricants in the context of mining activities in the tunnels of underground quarries, which are of a limited extent and affect surface soil only, mainly caused by wear and tear of lubricant pipes and by damages to machinery by falling stones or rocks, the subsidiary DELPHI — DISTOMON takes steps to prevent and reduce the annual number of such incidents by adopting the following practices: (1) Purchasing supplies with the best quality available in the market, to ensure their maximum possible durability, (2) implementing, on a regular basis, special seminars to raise awareness among personnel of the need to report and log such incidents, in line with the Company’s policy on the protection of the environment, as well as of specific techniques to contain the extent of the spills in the soil, (3) responding immediately to such incidents, collecting the quantity of contaminated soil in the area of the spill and forwarding it to the hazardous waste disposal area for appropriate handling, and (4) regular and preventive maintenance of the equipment and its parts.
In the Power & Gas, Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) and Renewables and Storage Development (RSD) Business Units, intensive efforts are made in all production units (thermal plants, RES plants, composite construction plants and work sites), to identify potential risks, so that these are addressed in a timely manner and the consequences of unforeseen malfunctions and accidents are minimized. In particular, the following are implemented:
- All procedures provided for in the Environmental Management Systems and Emergency Response Plans, as well as the operating and maintenance instructions for installations.
- Monitoring of air emissions.
- The best available options for the reuse, recycling and disposal of the various types of generated waste.
- Training of personnel and readiness exercises for handling spills.
- Preventive maintenance programs.
- Selection of state-of-the-art equipment.
- Safety oil basins.
- Systematic visual environmental facility inspections.
- Annual audits by independent external organizations for the certification of the implemented Environmental Management Systems.
[GRI 103-3a-ii]
- During 2021, no incidents occurred involving the pollution of the natural environment from production activities or involving industrial accidents in all Company Business Units. Concerning air emissions, these remained below the statutory maximum limits for yet another year.
- Regarding the incidents of small-scale, localized oil spills from machine failures in the context of the mining process, a total of 90 incidents occurred in 2021, 20% less than the corresponding number in 2020 (112 incidents), with the total spill volume amounting to 10,308ltThe quantity of 10,308 lt corresponds to 0.065 kbls., decreased by 20% compared to 2019 (12,869lt).