Index of Key Terms

Direct employees

Total number of employees who are employed by the Company and are included in its payroll system in accordance with national law.

Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

Indirect GHG emissions not included in energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions that occur outside of the organization, including both upstream and downstream emissions.

Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)

Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) come from sources (natural units or processes that release greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere). Direct greenhouse gas emissions include, among other things, emissions of CO2 equivalents from fuel consumption.

Recycled input materials

Materials that replace virgin materials and are purchased or acquired from internal or external sources and that are not by-products and outflows of the Company.

Recycling and reuse of water

The treatment of used water and sewage through another cycle before rejection for final treatment and disposal in the environment.

R.E.S. (Renewable Energy Sources)

Energy sources that can be renewed in a short time through a natural cycle (e.g. Geothermal, Wind power, Solar, Hydroelectric, Biomass).

Restorations (Restored Areas)

Areas where there is operational activity or that affected by operational activities and in which rehabilitation measures have restored the environment to its original state or to a state where a healthy and functional ecosystem exists.

Wind Farm

Wind Power Plant

Self-assessment of human rights

Corporate internal evaluation process that applies a number of criteria for respecting and supporting human rights. The issues included in the evaluation indicatively are: forced & child labor, health and safety, working hours, staff salaries and leave, fair treatment, freedom of association, restriction of population rights of local communities, etc.

Sustainable development

Growth in a way that respects the environment and uses natural resources harmoniously so as not to affect the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Parental leave

Leave granted to male and female employees due to childbirth.


The act and result of treating persons unequally by imposing unequal burdens or denying benefits instead of equal treatment of each person fairly on the basis of individual merit. Discrimination can also include harassment, defined as a course of comments or actions that are unwelcome, or should reasonably be known to be unwelcome, to the person towards whom they are addressed.


Unexpected release of a dangerous substance that can affect human health, soil, vegetation, surface and groundwater.


The death of an employee that occurs during the current reporting period and is due to an injury at work or illness that was suffered or was transmitted while working at the Company.

Indirect employees

Total number of self-employed workers and permanent independent contractors who perform very important tasks for the company on a long-term basis.

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2)

Emissions resulting from the generation of electricity, heating, cooling energy and steam purchased or acquired and consumed by the Company.


The term refers to important economic, environmental and social effects that are: positive, negative, existing, potential, direct, indirect, short-term, long-term, voluntary, involuntary.

Hazardous waste

Waste that possesses any of the characteristics contained in Annex III of the Basel Convention, or that is considered to be hazardous by national legislation.

Employees from local communities

People who have either been born or have the legal right to reside for an indefinite period of time in the same geographical location as the Company's operating facilities. The geographical definition of the term "local" may include the community surrounding operations, a region within a country or a country.

Vulnerable groups

A vulnerable group is a set or subset of persons with some specific physical, social, political, or economic condition or characteristic that places the group at a higher risk of suffering a burden, or at a risk of suffering a disproportionate burden of the social, economic or environmental impacts of the Company’s operations. Vulnerable groups can include children and youth, the elderly, people with disabilities, refugees, HIV/AIDS-affected households, indigenous peoples, and ethnic minorities.

HS Committees

Occupational Health and Safety Committees

Supply chain

Sequence of activities or parties that provide products or services to the Company.

Lost Days Rate

The impact of occupational accidents and diseases as expressed through the time that workers were left out of work. It is expressed in the total number of lost days per 200,000 working hours of human resources during the reporting period.

Occupational disease rate

The incidence of occupational diseases per 200,000 hours of work in the whole workforce in the reporting period.

Employee Turnover (Voluntary Departures)

It concerns the number of voluntary departures to the average number of direct employees of the Company in the reporting year.

Injury Rate

The frequency of injuries with work interruption per 200,000 hours of work in the whole workforce in the reporting period.

Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2 eq)

Equivalent to CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the global unit of measurement used to compare greenhouse gas emissions, based on their global warming potential (GWP). The equivalent CO2 of a gas is determined by multiplying the tons of the gas by the associated global warming potential.

Forced labor

Any work or service required by a person under the threat of punishment and for which that person has not been voluntarily offered (DOE 29, Forced Labour Convention).

Water consumption

The amount of water that results by subtracting the amount of water that is returned to the original withdrawal source (after treatment) from the total amount of water withdrawn.

Social investment

Total investment in local communities refers to actual expenditure incurred during the reporting period. The Company calculates the investments made to the local communities as the sum of the voluntary donations plus the capital investments in the wider local community. Voluntary donations and financial resources investments to the wider local community may include: (a) charitable donations / contributions, NGOs and academic or research (b) funds to support local community infrastructure (such as sports facilities or sports facilities) c) the direct costs of social programs, d) costs / sponsorships of cultural and educational events / actions. Investments in the local community include investing in infrastructure that is primarily driven by basic business needs or facilitates the Company's business operations such as compensatory benefits in the development of RES projects. The Company monitors donations and investments to local communities in cash at the end of the reporting period.

Circular Economy

The circular economy is an economic model that focuses on reducing the waste of resources used in the production process, the utilization of renewable resources, the recovery and reuse of products, but also the production of energy from the waste of production processes, the preservation of products in good working conditions for a long time, the use of products to provide services to multiple users and offering products as services.

Waste disposal method

The method through which waste is treated or disposed of, including the following: reuse, recycling, recovery, landfill, storage at the Company's facilities, etc.

Non-renewable materials

Resources that are not renewed in the short term, such as minerals, metals, oil, gas, or coal.

Non-renewable energy sources

Energy sources that cannot be replenished, reproduced, grown or generated in a short period of time through ecological cycles. Non-renewable energy sources include: Fuel distilled from petroleum or crude oil such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil – Natural gas such as compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) – Combustion gas and oil refining – Coal – Nuclear power.


Non-Governmental Organizations

Material Topics

Topics that reflect the economic, environmental and social impacts of the Company's activity and at the same time significantly affect the assessments and decisions of its Stakeholders.

Priority substances

Substances that may pose a significant risk to the aquatic environment. These substances are defined by Directive 2013/39 / EU of the European Parliament.

Water stress areas

Areas that are significantly affected by water withdrawals either in terms of water availability, quality or accessibility.

Environmental laws and regulations

Refers to the regulations related to any type of environmental issue (i.e. emissions, liquid effluents and waste, as well as the use of materials, energy, water, and biodiversity) that apply to the Company.

Areas with high biodiversity value

Areas that are not subject to legal protection but have been recognized due to the important biodiversity characteristics by governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Reporting period

Specific time span covered by the information reported. For MYTILINEOS, the reporting period is the year that begins in January and ends in December.

Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

On September 25, 2015, at the UN headquarters in New York, 193 representatives of states and governments from around the world pledged to adopt 17 Global Targets to take action against three major challenges over the next 15 years (up to in 2030): extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.

Retention rate of full-time employees

Number of full-time employees at the end of the reporting period * 100 / Number of full-time employees at the end of the previous year.

Significant operating changes

Changes in the operation of the Company that have significant positive or negative consequences for employees. Such changes may include, for example, restructuring, assignment to third parties, closure, expansion, new opening, acquisitions, sale of all or part of the entity or mergers.

Significant impact on biodiversity

Impacts that may adversely affect the integrity of a geographical area or region, either directly or indirectly. This happens through the substantial change of ecological features, structures and functions of the whole area in the long run. This means that the habitat, the level of its population and the specific species that make the habitat important cannot be maintained.

Total water withdrawal

The total water withdrawn within the Company’s boundaries from all sources (including surface and groundwater, rainwater and public water supply) for every use during the reporting period.

Total water discharge

All liquid effluents discharged during the reporting period in groundwater, surface water, sewers leading to rivers, oceans, lakes, wetlands, treatment plants, and groundwater.


Business Unit

Local community

Persons or groups of persons who live and / or work in areas that are affected by positive or negative economic, social or environmental impacts resulting from the organization's operations. The local community may include individuals living close to the organization's activities and even isolated settlements within walking distance of the activities, and which may still be impacted by these operations.

Local supplier

An organization or person that provides a product or service to the organization and that is based in the same geographical market as the organization that compiles the report. The geographic definition of the term "local" may include the community surrounding operations, a region within a country or a country.

Fresh water

Water with a total of dissolved solids concentration equal to or less than 1,000 mg / l.